There are four basic eligibility requirements for a youth to continue to receive support after the age of 18 under the California Fostering Connections to Success Act. The youth must:

have an order for foster care placement on his/her 18th birthday;

continue under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court as a dependent, under transitional jurisdiction or as a ward (link to page);

meet one of the five participation conditions (outlined below); and

agree to live in a supervised placement that is licensed or approved under new standards for 18 to 21 year olds. In addition, a youth has to sign a mutual agreement (note: this is not a condition of payment), meet with his/her social worker or probation officer every month, and participate in six-month review hearings.


In order to receive the benefits and services of extended foster care, a youth must be participating in at least one of the following activities:

Completing high school or equivalent program (i.e. GED) (enrollment is defined according to the definition employed by the school or program)

Enrolled in college, community college or a vocational education program (half-time enrollment, as the college, community college or vocational program defines half-time enrollment)

Employed at least 80 hours a month

(this must be paid employment)

Participating in a program or activity designed to remove barriers to employment (this is the “safety net” category which is intended to capture all youth who are not eligible under the employment or education conditions)

Participating in a program or activity designed to remove barriers to employment (this is the “safety net” category which is intended to capture all youth who are not eligible under the employment or education conditions)